One of the very first saying of Jesus in the gospel begins in this way.
The discpiles," what is the kingdom of heaven like ? "
Jesus," It is like a mustard seed, smaller than all seeds, but when it falls on the tilled earth it produces a large tree and becomes shelter for all the birds of heaven.
Its been ages since the crusades, wars for Jerusalem have ended.
But different forms of hiearchial submissions have arose time and time again.
May it be named JIHAD, war against terrorism, War of against the anti-christ, gulf war.
All these names and words suggest similar condition of different forms of religious fanticsm.
The abode of heaven for the pursuit of which we have taken birth as human has vanquished in drains.Petty Electrode Religious feelings have catered to an unacceptable feeling of ambigiousness in the objectivity of religion.
When all cummulatively work towards the upliftment of people. Understand the worth and also respect each and every individual.Then and then only all would be living happily on this earth and make this earth a Heaven.