Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Punjab @ War

Globalization is rampant in all the facets of life. Its not just politics, trade and commerce.Its also the religion.Jihad, cyber militancy have been affecting in recent times.

Yesterday the news came about the attack on Gurudwara in Austria.This attack has created chaos in Punjab. It another example of the butterfly effect creating chaos.
Its an outrage. But the fact to understood by this incident is that a spark by a religious twig at any place creates a wildfire in the forest of the world religions.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Quality To Innovate

I met a CDO recently, she always hymns about QUALITY. Quality without innovation is a useless affair.A fair towards quality is always required in the initial inception stage.

But as you achieve a required level of quality assurance.. you definitely need to innovate..in order to survive. The fate of the misery of Japan can be owed to the same fact of "ONLY QUALITY FOCUS".So, Quality and Innovation are two sides of the same coin, you cannoit neglect one side for the other.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Many people donot tread their dreams. They donot follow the path they have thought about.
There are two basic reasons for the same :

1. If the dream is fullfilled then the life becomes purposeless.
2. If not then life would be shattered.

But people donot think the other way round; unless you dont give a try you cannot succeed.
"Koshish karne waalo ki haar nahi hooti". Until you donot put in efforts and try you cannot emerge out of the current rivulet of thoughts.

Your life would have the same purpose, Same dreams, same life till you donot try to achieve them.

So that you can think differently, have another dreams.....
you need to chase them and fullfill them. The moment you have left following, you are not living.

In order to escalate the purpose of your existence, keep dreaming, keep working and

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Marius and Sulla

Power corrupts and fervents madness, same is the story with these 2 people who were preceding Julius Ceaser.Madness towards professionalism leads to personal distress, the veil of power leads to the lack of right scrutinization of the ideas.

Same is the case with BJP and congress trying to allure a particular class or caste of people in order to satisfy their lust for power.Its not about a stable government, its about stable, productive and effective governance. Right governance so that India progresses continually and ultimately becomes a superpower.

SSC (stop start continue )

Its an awesome tool to succeed in the organizational structure.
People say of team work and group dynamics.

I feel this can be a completely different approach to the feedback system.
Asking every individual about their feedback on:

What task you want to STOP @ ur work place ?
What task you want to START ?
And what task should CONTINUE ?

So that the workplace would become a sytematic matriculation centre with high happinness along with efficiency and effectiveness.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Eternally- in -seperable

All have an intense craving in life for, to be with the right person.
Some times you compromise, sometimes you adjust in order to be with the right person.

But when there is true love, there is nothing like compro but faith, belief and hope.

You can feel the pulse of life in your hands.
Its like flying the kite and feeling the responses via it's thread.If the kite or the thread are not made for each other. To help and govern each other in turbulent times ; then they would strain each other even when the air is flowing smoothly.

The kite may even leave the thread.But if they are eternally inseparable then their existence is dependent on the togetherness, the kite would keep flying till the thread remains.
Supporting each other wholly, fully, truly, unconditionally....

forever and ever and ever...till they both eternally exist !

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The kingdom of Heaven

One of the very first saying of Jesus in the gospel begins in this way.

The discpiles," what is the kingdom of heaven like ? "
Jesus," It is like a mustard seed, smaller than all seeds, but when it falls on the tilled earth it produces a large tree and becomes shelter for all the birds of heaven.

Its been ages since the crusades, wars for Jerusalem have ended.
But different forms of hiearchial submissions have arose time and time again.

May it be named JIHAD, war against terrorism, War of against the anti-christ, gulf war.
All these names and words suggest similar condition of different forms of religious fanticsm.

The abode of heaven for the pursuit of which we have taken birth as human has vanquished in drains.Petty Electrode Religious feelings have catered to an unacceptable feeling of ambigiousness in the objectivity of religion.

When all cummulatively work towards the upliftment of people. Understand the worth and also respect each and every individual.Then and then only all would be living happily on this earth and make this earth a Heaven.


Ramalingam's were considered to be the Nawabs of hyderabad.
When the Satyam fiasco a new term could have been coined "Hydera - BAD"

P.S : NOM for any of my Hyderabadi friends, just an opinion for a situation.

Corn 'o porn

The world finance crisis has shown downturns in different sectors.Manufacturing, IT, hospitality in all different regions.

Food crisis stats : June-Oct08 : 50% dip in the available food around the globe ( BT stats)

This viscous circle of crisis has lead to a completely different picture.Lesser money because of credit crunch and financial crisis, Food crunch leading to scarce food resources; thus expensive food items.Loosing jobs because of the credit crisis, high inventory levels and production retardation.

With lesser money in the pocket, rising prices of commodities the situations getting worse.
I thought of different industries and sectors being affected by this mess.

With the mental status deteriorating and these constraints what would be the fate of porn industry ?
I found that

Porn industry: 22% dip

Thus the effect of the crisis is far-fetching and affecting all the masses and classes of life.


Bloodshed of politicians for satisfying the innate hunger of "Kursi" or the throne
was a part of the latest bollywood flick by Anurag Kashyap, a genius.

The killing of the politicians standing for the parliamentary elections in Jaunpur and Bhind and other places are live examples of heresy which is still existing in the rural, semi-rural areas.
The ineptness of the political system to curb this existing mystifying trend has to be in the priority list.

If the politicians who govern the society are not safe, then what about Aam aadmi like us ?
A system to curb this up-rising should be in-place as soon as possible to restore faith in Democracy.