Friday, February 27, 2009

The funnel approach

Still remember those days of chemistry when we used funnels to channelize the liquid flows into the glass flasks for various test reactions and titration.Then those days of technology & innovation classes where we learnt about the funnel approach:
From idea generation-> diffusion-> propagation

But from an organization behaviour let me come up with a totally new concept Which I was thinking yesterday:

OB - Funnel Approach

Let the top edge of the funnel be lower level of management receding towards the end of the funnel which represents the top level of the organization's management.

At the lower level; there is less or almost no fluid/ management layer below it. So their stress
levels are low which in turn induces lower strain levels.

With the levels changing from lower level to the upper level, the fluid pressure raises its bar.
Thus creating high performance and conformance pressures leading to higher stress and ultimately strain in the mental faculties.

Thus there are higher mental usages and problems faced by the top management who are handling tremendous pressures not only as an organization in front of the employees but also press, media meets, investors and all different market interactions.

People are trying towards more and more flat organizations, this would not only lead to higher
collaborative efforts but also lesser strains in the system due to distributed pressures. People in the opposing kiosk would argue that it would lead to emerging CHAOS.

The solution to this could be a hybrid organization taking care of the organization along with its organs(people).

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