Monday, November 16, 2009

D Train experience

I n Nishit in S-2 and Deepak in S-1.The train sped up as we went aboard. Suddenly the speed shot up.Train started squeaking and squealing. Girls started screaming in the bogey. The turbulence in the motion of the train could be experienced.

It was like being in a huge iron clad columbus in a fun-fair with no place to move out. Train was shreaking and screaming noises never heard before.Train was grunting in its full potential, like a dinosaur shreaking at its prey.

Suddenly it started to turn itself like titanic before submerging into the ocean waters.
Luggage moving from the left to the right side. Train started to turn towards right. People and luggage smashing themselves with the train walls.

Still moving ahead at a 90 degree angle and then came the big thud ! As if after a long period of chopping the tree, it fell down.Smoke came out of some electrical panels in the coach. We were top-bottom. Holding the gravitational pull with the holds on the side upper berths.

People still screaming and a feeling of the bogey tilting swept under my feet. Nishit was proactive and started to rush. I accompanied him leaving all the luggage and the foot wear there only
I n my Laptop bag. Climbed down the railings and came heads-up out of the emergency window. Like a captain coming out of the submarine.

There were bogeys fallen apart in the dark. Ours was the most affected bogey,smoke was rising at a side. People saving themselves and climbing out of the wrecked coach.Visualizing death face-to-face we jumped off from the emergency window till the ground about a storey or so.There we 2 were on the ground after facing the blind deaf storm. After a minor struggle we also found out Out third friend perfectly alright.

All's the things of past. Only thing felt then was the being of an ultimate power who saved us.

Only in & with such experiences does a person understand the meaning of togetherness,
meaning of GOD and his existence .

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Unity in Divercity

Though there have been instances and cases of religious or communal conflicts now or then.
Still the Hindus-Muslim live together. Enjoy their life in this togetherness. Especially in the cities you would observe this. The festivals also show a drastic similarity in their names since inception.



More on this Diversity and cultural inter-mingling would be written in the next post.

Force india.. Win !!

Force India, force India to win...

" Fisichella won the first points for Vijay Malaya’s Force India by registering the second place in the belgium grand prix today. Vijay Malaya’s determination with force India paid off today and he was as exuberant as Fisichella after the finish. Fisichella live upto the expectations he built after yesterdays strong finish in the qualifying round. "

Economics is a state of mind !

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Indi-genious !

Since ages, the genious of India : the sages, renowned philosophers, scientists
have ruled the world. Till the dusk of the last century its renowned culture, establishments
had gone and swayed along the pre-cursors due to the plight glorifying the Anglo-Saxons...!

Now comes our time. The thriving, vibrant and the energetic NEW INDIA !
The place where everything's expanding... growing....

There's positivity and thrill all around the upcoming young India.

" Indigenously a Genious called INDIA's Rising ! "

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Aam ke aam

Mango found and appreciated by Akbar the Great. Has been given the designation to be the best among the fruits.
The lurcative amongst all the fruits.

But still the name suggests( AAM= common). The commonality may not be in terms of taste. But the experience which even
the poor, middle class can enjoy. The sweet and juicy taste is so loved that its "AAM" to love and like this fruit.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Since the pre historic ages, hard thought and awareness of self was considered to be of respect and importance. Even till this age the concept of hardwaring the illusioned thought is considered to be of importance.

The ability to connect to the self (our core) and placing ourselves well with the people is of priority to thrive in this socially networked globe.

So to be Hard-wired with the self; the ability to be aware of the quality & portray yourself in-amongst people would make you the excellent package. A perfectly balanced score card with strategic goals in place, operational excellence and well thought marketing intents.

Monday, June 15, 2009


The word recession has been digging the frozen graves of its issues.

It's been months since this so-called space ship keeps on hovering over the global scenario.

Global advertising spending is forecast to decline the most in 29 years. This year as recession squeezes the juice of customer confidence of its records things have affected here also. Thus the recession has also impacted the advertising mania with its maximum down slash.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Punjab @ War

Globalization is rampant in all the facets of life. Its not just politics, trade and commerce.Its also the religion.Jihad, cyber militancy have been affecting in recent times.

Yesterday the news came about the attack on Gurudwara in Austria.This attack has created chaos in Punjab. It another example of the butterfly effect creating chaos.
Its an outrage. But the fact to understood by this incident is that a spark by a religious twig at any place creates a wildfire in the forest of the world religions.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Quality To Innovate

I met a CDO recently, she always hymns about QUALITY. Quality without innovation is a useless affair.A fair towards quality is always required in the initial inception stage.

But as you achieve a required level of quality assurance.. you definitely need to order to survive. The fate of the misery of Japan can be owed to the same fact of "ONLY QUALITY FOCUS".So, Quality and Innovation are two sides of the same coin, you cannoit neglect one side for the other.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Many people donot tread their dreams. They donot follow the path they have thought about.
There are two basic reasons for the same :

1. If the dream is fullfilled then the life becomes purposeless.
2. If not then life would be shattered.

But people donot think the other way round; unless you dont give a try you cannot succeed.
"Koshish karne waalo ki haar nahi hooti". Until you donot put in efforts and try you cannot emerge out of the current rivulet of thoughts.

Your life would have the same purpose, Same dreams, same life till you donot try to achieve them.

So that you can think differently, have another dreams.....
you need to chase them and fullfill them. The moment you have left following, you are not living.

In order to escalate the purpose of your existence, keep dreaming, keep working and

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Marius and Sulla

Power corrupts and fervents madness, same is the story with these 2 people who were preceding Julius Ceaser.Madness towards professionalism leads to personal distress, the veil of power leads to the lack of right scrutinization of the ideas.

Same is the case with BJP and congress trying to allure a particular class or caste of people in order to satisfy their lust for power.Its not about a stable government, its about stable, productive and effective governance. Right governance so that India progresses continually and ultimately becomes a superpower.

SSC (stop start continue )

Its an awesome tool to succeed in the organizational structure.
People say of team work and group dynamics.

I feel this can be a completely different approach to the feedback system.
Asking every individual about their feedback on:

What task you want to STOP @ ur work place ?
What task you want to START ?
And what task should CONTINUE ?

So that the workplace would become a sytematic matriculation centre with high happinness along with efficiency and effectiveness.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Eternally- in -seperable

All have an intense craving in life for, to be with the right person.
Some times you compromise, sometimes you adjust in order to be with the right person.

But when there is true love, there is nothing like compro but faith, belief and hope.

You can feel the pulse of life in your hands.
Its like flying the kite and feeling the responses via it's thread.If the kite or the thread are not made for each other. To help and govern each other in turbulent times ; then they would strain each other even when the air is flowing smoothly.

The kite may even leave the thread.But if they are eternally inseparable then their existence is dependent on the togetherness, the kite would keep flying till the thread remains.
Supporting each other wholly, fully, truly, unconditionally....

forever and ever and ever...till they both eternally exist !

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The kingdom of Heaven

One of the very first saying of Jesus in the gospel begins in this way.

The discpiles," what is the kingdom of heaven like ? "
Jesus," It is like a mustard seed, smaller than all seeds, but when it falls on the tilled earth it produces a large tree and becomes shelter for all the birds of heaven.

Its been ages since the crusades, wars for Jerusalem have ended.
But different forms of hiearchial submissions have arose time and time again.

May it be named JIHAD, war against terrorism, War of against the anti-christ, gulf war.
All these names and words suggest similar condition of different forms of religious fanticsm.

The abode of heaven for the pursuit of which we have taken birth as human has vanquished in drains.Petty Electrode Religious feelings have catered to an unacceptable feeling of ambigiousness in the objectivity of religion.

When all cummulatively work towards the upliftment of people. Understand the worth and also respect each and every individual.Then and then only all would be living happily on this earth and make this earth a Heaven.


Ramalingam's were considered to be the Nawabs of hyderabad.
When the Satyam fiasco a new term could have been coined "Hydera - BAD"

P.S : NOM for any of my Hyderabadi friends, just an opinion for a situation.

Corn 'o porn

The world finance crisis has shown downturns in different sectors.Manufacturing, IT, hospitality in all different regions.

Food crisis stats : June-Oct08 : 50% dip in the available food around the globe ( BT stats)

This viscous circle of crisis has lead to a completely different picture.Lesser money because of credit crunch and financial crisis, Food crunch leading to scarce food resources; thus expensive food items.Loosing jobs because of the credit crisis, high inventory levels and production retardation.

With lesser money in the pocket, rising prices of commodities the situations getting worse.
I thought of different industries and sectors being affected by this mess.

With the mental status deteriorating and these constraints what would be the fate of porn industry ?
I found that

Porn industry: 22% dip

Thus the effect of the crisis is far-fetching and affecting all the masses and classes of life.


Bloodshed of politicians for satisfying the innate hunger of "Kursi" or the throne
was a part of the latest bollywood flick by Anurag Kashyap, a genius.

The killing of the politicians standing for the parliamentary elections in Jaunpur and Bhind and other places are live examples of heresy which is still existing in the rural, semi-rural areas.
The ineptness of the political system to curb this existing mystifying trend has to be in the priority list.

If the politicians who govern the society are not safe, then what about Aam aadmi like us ?
A system to curb this up-rising should be in-place as soon as possible to restore faith in Democracy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Conduction in SCM

Heat transfer and Supply chain are closely interlinked.
HT concepts can be easily applied to Supply Chain.

In conduction the transfer of heat is sequential. Similar to the logistics chain.
The raw material is transferred to the manufacturing facility where in various processes takes place and it is finally transferred through the chain till it reaches the end consumer.

Thus logistics help in material movement.i.e the atoms/molecules help in the energy transfer from on end to the other.

Monday, April 20, 2009


During my MBA coaching days the question they said was a must to be prepared with was "WHY MBA ?"

i was also 1 among the not-so-sure Gen-X. The obvious reasons were "Pay-package"... but you know; you just cannot say that in the interview..the so-called norms of education [ honesty/ integrity ]... :)

After having quit a job which many would craved; with enticing pay-packet.. WHY MBA ?
Midst of this confusion i got a confirmation from SIBM-B.
i was overjoyed and enrolled for this programme.

After interacting with my colleagues who were willing to take on any challenge, to face the world and craving to succeed in different areas.All the professor with immense know-how, an excellent industrial exposure.

I finally knew "WHY MBA"... why spend this much... time and money for this course...

MBA for me was for the overall experience which my college provided, which i would never-ever be experiencing in a job.Experience of making friends, faculties with eminent industrial contacts, top notch industry personnel, various situations ,meetings, presentations, academic pursuit, discussions even partying...
with such an overall worth which i have gained; even though half way...


Saturday, April 18, 2009

SIBM-B : Club C

Initially i thought MBA would be boring. It would be like, "All study n no play; would make Jack a dull boy"...Even on day-1 i had the same feeling. Saare padhakuu log lag rahe hai...

But once classes started after the induction session, my initial assumptions were falsified .
All were fun loving. Till engineering i was not much regular in attending classes. But yahan par aane ke baad,i feel if i'm not coming to classes; i'm missing something.

We all discuss not only technical and managerial issues but also Kaun si movie achchi hai, the latest iron maiden fest, latest Shakira's albums and all different gossips.People talk about their experiences in their states,countries and cultures, their lifestyles and beliefs.

We used to have hang-outs, parties regularly. .
Section-C was acronym-ed "CLUB-C " by all folks, due to it. After full day classes we have had night DHAMAAL : DJ,dance and snacks all along ..... Satisfying the cliched line "work hard and party harder".

All were equal contributor in this "enjoyable crime".
We all hope to continue the same MASTI in the next year..

Would like to say " CLUB-C rocks " .

P.S : Thanx Jenny 4 the wonderful video
Thanx to all Section-C 'onites for making it CLUB-C :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Era of Marketing III : Band Loyalty

Whenever we listen to our favourite music, song or voice our joy's released out of the boundaries of the dam of constraints. May it be an Indian Ocean concert in Baroda, Jagjit singh nite in Delhi or Iron Maiden concert @ Bangalore...People are in their own ecstasy, flowing and pouring their hearts out.

Doctors, Professors, Managers, students forgeting the so-called social norms of decency and putting their emotions forward.The emotional connect provided by these are not made available for most of the brands.

Why Brands fail when Bands succeed in creating the right customer blend and consumer emotional urge ??

Pls all flood in your valuable comments regarding the same.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lightening strikes !

How life's defined by the opportunities;
even the one's we missed..

Its not wat u say abut a person; but wat u dont say...u need 2 listen
There's have 2 had excitement... slide away...
Love with passion and dance like angels...
be thrillingly happy..
Its not a softball thing..

But love's passion..obsession.. some1 u cant live without...
stand on heads... u listen 2 heart n not head..

thers nio sense in living and not dalling inlove...
u have 2 try... coz if u havent tried u havent lived./

Stay open .... U may no know when the lightening may strike.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Vote : Boat

KiChDy- The Mix

Inventory management, supply chain concepts, demand-supply weighings all are not only applicable to companies but also Kitchen.
There's complexity in this so called looking simple SYSTEM.

KichDY = Kitchen Dynamics.

Let us make a thorough analysis of how KichDy is inter-relating these concepts.

From the market we need to know the CUSTOMER WANTS AND DEMANDS (1).Weekly/ daily forecasts are analysed and charts prepared in a company.

Mummy asks every1 @ home :
" Beta kya khaoge, kitne log khaenge sham ko, tum mei se koi bahar toh nahi jaaoge, aaj chole-bhature chalenge ? "

Once the VOC (Voice of the customer) is heard i.e demand sensed from the market. PRODUCTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS(2) is done; whether there is no production constraints is thoroughly analysed.
"Kya ghar par sabji, masale hai ? utensils ki toh maara-maari nahi hai naa ?"

After production analysis and satisfactory results in the analysis,PRODUCTION INITIATION(3) takes place as per demand.
"The required sabji, rice, dal or delicacies are prepared in the required time for required people and place."

Some days Khana zyada hota hai, sometimes the food is less. If the food is more, prepared food, cut n chop vegetables or even the unchopped vegetables they are put in refrigeration.

Carry forward of the same food takes place next day, to continue with the same for consumption.
Daily cleaning of utensils with good LEAD TIME(5) is done daily.

All and many more concepts lead to a complex web of Kitchen Dynamics.

Slow DOwn..!

Recession is a word driven everywhere; Since the day Joseph Schumpeter came up with an idea of trade cycle with recession being a part of it, the word "recession" or its idea is now not only a word only used by trade analysts, Managers and strategy planners.

Its become a term used every now and then by general masses.
It is of utmost priority for the organizations to curb recession from drowing their businesses.

So how to slowdown this Slow down ??
Some simple and straight forward way is :

1. Go in for strategic shopping: purchase whatever is of priority, buy necessary items

2. Reduce spending: can be done by stretching the capital expenditure and improving productivity of work force.

3. Innovation : Radical or even tactical.

4. expand boundaries: think and plan differently; globalize products and markets

5. Donot cut advertisements and promotional expenses: rather promote and incentivise selling via different campaigns or you may also diverify the marketing portfolio as per requirement of the market.

6. Most importantly try and work out some of these fundas BUT "don't speculate".

May be my gyan can help some1 somewhere to stagnate the recession.

ABC : Always Bring Control

Traditional management always suggests Control.
New management policies recommend liberalization in control policy; just like America till recently.

RBI was condemned for its stringent rules and regulations abiding.Chaos is a general occurence while running any place.It leads to dramatic implications for different modes of implementations; even non implementation is a basic issue.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Simple understanding

somethings that are so simple; I know but yet so extraordinary.

People crave for perfection.

No; i want my husband/wife to be perfect or my child should get the 1st rank in academics as well as and in extracurriculars.

Lets understand this : " No 1 is complete.. No 1 is perfect..."

Its so important in life to know your -ves
so that u can appreciate others with their -ves

To understand and appreciate these differences;differences of opinion, thinking, styles, living
To know and love the person for whatever he/she is....

Only if u would really love a person for whoever or whatever he/she is...
Then and then only you can probably have heaven on earth..!


There have been various prevalent definitions on management; here's my own definition:

Man with Age(Experiences) learns management.
Experiencing with experimenting gives you an opportunity to build a point-of-view.

This point-of-view helps you to put forward the problems in a structured-systemic way.
It is not just spurts of channelised work but an intrinsic method which he/she follows owing to his experiences.This helps any manager to not intrude in Blind-spots.

This helps a better management with strategic and tactical experiential decision making.
Thus, Man with experience learns management.

Vote for Good

It was an afternoon with temperatures soaring head high. The temperatures weren't political
but Geo-climatic.I was traveling via the Ambedkar circle; Race course Baroda. There was some clout a band of reporters and cameramen were crowding the turning bottleneck. All were screaming with banners all around.

Vote for Balu Shukla, BJP. I saw the banners and thought yet another politician.

I came home and had a chat with my father who's a doctor regarding this upcoming election and why we still have the same corrupt politicians.He said it was not system's fault alone. Its ours.We are not politically inclined people.Rather we shunn politics as if its Dirty job and cleaning is not our responsibility.

If only we had some more politicians like Balu Shukla, he said. Bells started ringing in my forehead.He was praising his intellect, efficiency and willingness to work for the people's good.

I was not convinced by his statement and went for further investigations and found his ground approach a reality.He's been going deep into gutters to help choke out while being a mayor, promoted education at different levels,improved traffic tracking system, roped in investments in Baroda.Even today I saw on-paper balance of incomes provided by him and they were realistic.

There's lots that even I donot know.Just a small period of work in the grandiose history of Baroda and appreciable work.Let's not crib about the system being dirty and nasty; but see scrunitize the right candidate and vote for him/her.

Let's Vote for growth and development. Let's Vote for good.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Coming Home !

Looks the same; feels the same; its the same......but still we need to go back.
But still we feel its the best place in the world.When we are to find a place away from all the glitters and the shabby world. The only thing we think of is the home.....

Back from all the unpredictability to certainty.Certainty that some 1's waiting. Certainty of peace. That all are here for me; would love me adore me even if am back with or without any reason.
I'm happy to be at home again :)

Maid in India

Till 80's it was a scene that was prevalent in almost every other household in India; the brand "Made in India" was not a very respectable one, so also was the scenario for the maid.

They were also not among a very respectable lot. Many movies also portrayed this discerning inequality between the land-ladies/lords and the servile maids. Similarly many movies portrayed inequalities in the Foreign- Indian societies.

Since liberalization; things are changing. The rise of India as a respectable "Brand" has also lead Maids in India change their stand.It was in their hands to work for the "Maalik"; serving participants and their kids as per requirement. They also as normal customers started demanding. Thus made in india is largely dependent right now on Maids in India.


Adoption has always been an option to add a member along with your family.
We, in India have a clause that initially the child should be given a preference for inside the country suitors and later foreign nationals.The trend towards adoption depicts a clear reduction in adoption inside as well as to foreign nationals.

Y decrease in adoption trend ?

1. Increased expectations of the parties; leading to lower adoption ratios
2. Awareness about contraceptive cares and family planning; leading to lesser birth of babies ;thus reduced intakes in the baby care centres; leading to lesser adoption.

Mayawati's Maya.. !!

Obama became the head of the system in USA; a similar condition occurs in India with Mayawati planning to take a charge; then why is it creating vibes and feeling of non-acceptability in India ??

Specific reasons:

1. A person always wanting power is generally not easily accepted by the public
2. Discriminating on basis of Dalitism a single caste; in a country made of diverse religions,languages and castes.
3. Favouring regionalism
4. Inability to portray a stance of a global leader in an emerging economy like India
5. Ineffective communication in English
6. Willingness to portay grandiose picture of herself every now and then; Portraits and pictures: name everywhere : .e over-publicity

Obama though being of a smaller crowd is willing to work for the country as a whole and not for a particular class or colour of the people.Thus leading to respect and easy acceptance by all.

Mayawati's maya may offer a glow in some dalit castes but overall the upper and the middle class wont be willing to be blindfooled by her MAYA.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Age Abide

Why there are many examples like Sachin-Priya; Saif-ali khan & wife Amrita ? People falling in love for the other sex with a differential age gap.Girls adoring aged male stars while older males adoring teenage actresses on the screen.

Why do great psychologists like Freud suggest of attraction between the other sex-parent and the child?

Ages never determine feelings; just similar to this bias ,that attachment happens with age differences. Actually it does; because there is a mysterious aura; style of different stages whether its Baby boomers or Generation-X; which leads to a soft corner.

The differences in thoughts or opinions with a generation gap lead to conflict. But it is this
pull-push phenomenon within the ages that lead to a sense of attraction. Attraction not very common in amongst people of same age.

Curiosity and safety with and for each other are one of the binding factors.

Sometimes you search for a cause; but you just don't know it. Either its by accident or by design, you cannot decide. but the attraction exists. The divide exist. Though this divide of ages; since ages lies in our mind.

The coflict of the outside and the inside exists. Exists someday to digress away. So that parity
would be satiated on all. For all at equal ages; times would change when same things would have equal priorities.

Or it may happen that this divide may increase. Life may lead to such weird arenas that the parity can never be thought of.

Though rationality exists.Its terms and duration for the relations.... It's difficult to judge or

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Modi- Gilani capital structure Model

Election's round the corner and even some views suggest the rising of BJP to power. Though all believe no 1 would come up with a perfect majority.

Still if BJP comes to power; then the Indo-Pak electrodes are focussed around "Narendra MODI " & "Raza GILANI".

Since pakistan's capital fiassco is round the corner. A new mix model can emerge in the SAARC downturn to come with the global meltdown.

With RBI coming upto a view of new model for INR; if Pakistan joins hands within a short period :

" Modi- Gilani" model can emerge as a Giant Red Phase STAR in this Emerging Milky Way..!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

CONsenSus AD idem

CONsenSus AD idem = Unity of minds......
If the contract is of audacious practical goals or even non-practical emotional stuff, unity of minds is a must.

When any two are entering a contract; it is essential that they not only sign the contract but
be so intimate that they neednot favour it. It just should be fulfilled automatically, without any legal obligation.

There's no need for formal favours, " Pls do it or Just do it 4 me " kindoffa stuff. The unity should be of minds and ALSO souls; so that there's nothing penetrable in the contract.

If the contract is not validated by your soul, by your heart then there are chances of it turning
sour or void. That is what is happening to most of the business and family contractual transactions.

You fall in contract only if you feel there's consensus ad idem otherwise there's no need to
picturize a portrait which is going crash to become earth once again. There's no meaning of building castles of clay which are gonna be mud and sand once the waves of the sea pass over it.

Life's an opportunity to exercise this right. Try not to exercise this right as a means to an end but make it a end to your means.......

To live 2-gether lovingly and happily ever after.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


There was a time when people went to preachers, wise men to solve their problems. There were stocks of brains in R&D centres; trying to figure out some invention or output as a result of their mental turmoil.

These lead to an image of scientists as secluded wise animals; with huge uncut hairs and who remain seated in their BOXES. Some lonely traveller who visited different lands and met different people.These people were considered to be the gurus; the wise.

Even the great king Solomon was considered to be WISE. But the scene has changed now. Its not a singular effort which leads to success. It has to be a group pooling of resources. "The social scientists" sit on the blogs to give their views on various issues and opinions to form a picture. Its not necessary to be wise, but otherwise.

With the advent of Globalization, emerging markets, internet, safer and speedy transport easily around the world scene has changed.The view of the crowd is considered to be the truth; may it be decisions taken in democracy or consumerism. The Mass consumer is the ruler. They decide the fate of various goods and services. They invent, they build ideas and integrate them for overall growth.

Initially some intellectual people were sorted and considered wise. That stock has been sold. Today,Janata ki awaaz is considered to be WISE.

Welcome to the transition of :

A Wise -> ThE Otherwises


Today's 69th day of the year...

Have planned 2 write a beautiful article about it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

= 4 * (COST)

As many of you would have rightly understood, I'm talking about forecasting.

Forecasting can be explained in different contexts. Wherever there's cost involved as well as uncertainity or unpredictability of the future; we talk of forecasting.

Forecasting our future( Jyotish), forecasting the sales, production requirements, whether we would win the world cup, whether the neighbour's daughter would run away with some loafer, whether we would be the super-power, forecasting the TRP's, forecasting final marks, forecasting the job, forecasting our life.... any where and every where we can find people prediciting and commenting on different areas and aspects of life.

In India, the most visble problem is "Political Will" hampering the growth of the country from being a super power.With the national general election round the corner making a way to the hallway "forecasting again shows its prowess".

The TV channels, radios, stage show wallas, security agencies, gundas n mafias, students fraternity, the coporate wealth tanks all are after the speculated polls and the party which would come in power in India.

But as against other places in India, the polls are always faltered by.. may be state or national election. What could be the probable causes of this offset in results..?

Some say its because the media is corrupt, but its there everywhere.May be naarowing down we find its "WE" who are responsible for its failure. We donot will to expose which party we are inclined towards radically as most of us feel that politics is dirty. In certain other countries the politics is people sponsored directly which is not so here. Also there is so much diversity amongst us that a huge sample also cannot predict the population sentiment.

All this finally leads to a cumbersome cost of predictive polls like:

Cost of i Competition
ii Consumer deterioration
iii Canibalization amongst the channels as well as
iv Corrupt Politics !

So forecating = 4 * ( costing) In & for INDIA in this case .. !!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

om SHANTI om

The curly long hairs were like beautiful nodes emerging on a vine creeper. Her dressing
sense was crisp and reflective of the metro-woman. Her eyes had black border and were
piercing the heart of the viewers as a sharp and smart woman of the new emerging global

She was Shanti and used to be seen daily on DD-1, the government TV channel.The first
daily soap series which was a hit on the TV channel. She was the lead character role.

With this serial she became an instant sizzler on the screen.She later came in different production houses other than UTV also and earned a reputable position. But slowly the characters faded with only their shadows visible on the floor.

Then came up sony television channel which hand-picked Bedi for the World cup commentary
Suddenly the change of the MALE dominion from Maninder Pal to Mandira Bedi took place.

The TRP's of Sony started mounting, not only because of the World cup series but also
owing to Miss. Shanti. She was quite impressive in her dressing and
talks. She became the face of the Emerging women in India.

She's always been a pioneer in some area or the other.
Crick-gal's called shanti. she tried to make and walk over some places where only male were holdint their posts since ages. Kudos... Om shanti OM.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Leak Time usage

Lead time usage is a famous phenomenon in Inventory control & management. The competitive potent advantage made available to the customers if by
reducing the time and providing the product- services to the
customers on-time and speedily.

Time = Money; as many suggest. Speedy delivery and highly productive use of resources to gain the maximum.

I read it somewhere, its a tendency of male to use "Loos" for extraordinary purposes( Please
dont think out-of-the box ). A toiletiere company came up with this startling revelation some time back.

Combining these two sets we can come up with a union : As time is money and as some folks like me spend hefty lot of time in the toilet. It becomes
essential to make use of your time to the fullest.

I saw this many a times in my life with different people from different places.
Normally leak time usage includes to reading newspapers, articles, thinking on different issues, doing homework,deriving relations, etc.

We waste a lot of our time in life.. sleeping, talking, enjoying...
So is there a need for "Leak time usage" ,,!!?

P.S : please read this article with an open mind and feel free to come up with your own points.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pinky red..!

Its nice to see an transition in all the three dimensions of innovation springing out in every
street with happiness fumes of coke and not chimney fumes.

The PINK CHADDI revolution, not only was a product innovation from the conventional use of daggers and trishuls to a milder product(chaddi) conveying an extremely
powerful message :

" Beware; O (so called)mard kee bachcho.."

Process innovation was conveyed via all the modes of communication. SMS's were sent, net used extensively thus penetrating the silver screen and also the MONOTONOUS papers.

Business models were changed, as never ever had been publicity done for such an event on a rampant scale. Advertising back-up was also there from "Taste Of India".

communalism,religionism,regionism) towards SERVICE INDUSTRY (Explaining the concept in a more polished way, simple, suble but conveying).

Welcome to the Emerging Indian Economy..!!